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Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s
Maharshi Parshuram College of Engineering, Velneshwar
At: Velneshwar, Hedvi-Guhagar road,Taluka: Guhagar,
Dist: Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415 729
(AICTE & DTE approved and affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Tel No. 02359-243102/3/4
Fax No. 02359-243102
2.4.4   Average percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government, recognized bodies during the last five yearsduring the last five years.
Name of full time  teachers receiving awards from state level,national level, international level Year of Award  PAN Designation  Name of the award, fellowship, received from Government or recognised bodies Incentives given by the HEI in recognition of the award Link for the relevant documents
Mr. Prathamesh Ghanekar 2018 BAFPG0519L Assistant Professor NPTEL Not Given VIEW DOCUMENTS
 Mr. Vinod Salunkhe  CDIPS8373P Assistant Professor NPTEL Not Given
Ms. Bhakti Gangan BGWPG9355H Assistant Professor NPTEL Not Given
Mr. Prashant Mahajan AXKPM1067A Assistant Professor NPTEL Not Given
Mr. Mandar J. Pawari BJQPP9618H Asst. Professor NPTEL Not Given
Ms. Komal S. Shinde EUIPS6887M Asst. Professor NPTEL Not Given
Mr. Satish Nandkumar Ghorpade 2016 BARPG0402N Assistant Professor Best faculty coordinator, ROBO SPECIES PVT. Ltd Not Given VIEW DOCUMENTS
Mr. Santoshkumar Mahadev Hunachal AIVPH2644C Assistant Professor Not Given
Ms. Priti Ravindra Sathe CVWPS2520Q Teaching Assistant Not Given
Dr. Amit Mane 2014 AOQPM8926F Assistant Professor  Second Prize pure science
group at University level research Festival from solapur university,solapur
Not Given